a little background

hi, my name is mandy and I have two amazing little boys. My oldest son, Ty, has been diagnosed with autism (which is what you will read most about in this blog); I also have Tripp, who is an amazing little brother to Ty (who you will also hear alot about). I was encouraged to start this blog to document our journey through life and life with autism... my world has been rocked in last few years and i have responded in good ways and bad ... but Jesus has gotten me through all of it...

i hope i can be an encouragement to you, and for the friends and family that will read this - maybe this will keep you posted indepth on what Ty is learning! :) and the adventures of Tripp too

thank you for reading, and if you have any questions, comments or smart remarks; feel free to post them.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Autism is not a four letter word....

Some of you may be thinking that the title of this post is silly, obviously the word "autism" has six letters and not four. Now, don't let me lose you on the mathematics of it, what I mean is that autism is not a curse word. I've had lots of conversations with lots of people about autism and most of them are good conversations but there have been some really awkward ones. One time in particular I was with my two friends, Carla & Heather, and a lady commented on Carla's hoodie (she was wearing Ty's hoodie) so Carla introduces her to me and tells me that she also has a son with autism, my response was "that's awesome". Which I quickly realized was not a proper greeting, her face dropped and almost had a look of shock as if I had just cussed her out. The smile on my face was probably adding insult to injury and I just continued with small talk about her son until I could quickly exit the conversation and place. Another time I was talking with a mom and she was describing her sons extra curricular activities and personality and quirks. The way she was talking and using certain phrases it was almost clear to me that she was trying to tell me her son had autism without saying it, so I asked if he had been diagnosed with anything. (If you know me you know I mean well and don't walk around accusing people of having autism or any other disorder and I never mean it as a insult if I ask). Again I received a look of shock and terror as if I had just said an ugly word. I quickly tried to explain what I meant and that I thought she was describing aspergers (which is what I thought) and that I did not mean to offend her in any way. These conversations aren't limited to the two instances I have so vaguely described, but these are conversations I have weekly, if not daily. I guess I just don't understand what conversations are socially acceptable? I am not offended by autism and I don't really understand why others are? I also don't understand the lack of knowledge about autism. I guess the media portrays autism with certain quirks, not making eye contact, throwing tantrums, being a loner, spinning, rocking, and being socially awkward. And yes, those things can be and are a part of autism but like I have said many times, every child is different. No one person is just like another. So to look at every person with autism exactly the same is to look at every person you meet exactly the same. So I guess I'm just saying there's no reason to be scared or offended by autism and that it's ok to talk about it and if I say that someone has some autistic tendencies I don't mean it as an insult but just an observation an possibly even a compliment ....

Autism is not a bad word and I hope we all have just a bit of the joy and unconditional love that I see in Ty and that everyone will look at life the way he does from time to time. Full speed, soaking it all in, living loud, not caring what anyone else thinks kind of life. :)

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.
Philippians 4:4

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